Premedical intervention before diseases is one of the principal practices in traditional Chinese Medicine for tackling health problems and diseases. This can be achieved either with Chinese herbal medicines and/or acupuncture, dietary therapy, and exercises.
Sub-optimal health status is a physical state between health and disease and is characterised by ambiguous health complaints, lack of vitality, unexplained medical syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome and is regarded as a sub clinical, reversible stage of chronic disease.
With the emphasis on prevention, Di Wen will formulate an individualised healthcare plan to deal with sub-optimal health issues, and ageing related issues from the Chinese Medicine point of view.
Chronic Diseases
Chronic diseases are complex and varied in terms of their nature. Many different illness and health conditions can be classified under the broad heading of chronic disease. Typically, chronic diseases are long-lasting, have persistent effects, and affect individuals’ quality of life. Di Wen has experiences in helping patients with chronic diseases.